the 11th Annual International Research Conference on Management and Finance 2016
“IRCMF 2016” the 11th Annual International Research Conference on Management and Finance 2016” was recently held at Sri Lanka Foundation on 9th December 2016, with the intention of inculcating a research culture among the academia and the industry. IRCMF 2016 was an excellent platform for academics, eminent scholars and practitioners to discuss and debate management issues from theoretical, practical and research perspectives. Research papers were published in the conference proceedings under seven tracks including Accounting and Management Information Systems, Business Economics and Finance, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Human Resource Management, International Business, Management, Organization Studies, Management of Technology and Disaster Management, and Marketing, Tourism and Hospitality Management.
The event was graced by the chief guest Prof. PSM Gunarathne, Vice Chairman of University Grants Commission and the guest of honour Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice Chancellor of Univeristy of Colombo. Keynote address of IRCMF 2016 was delivered by Professor Charles Arcodia from Department of Tourism, Sport and Hotel Manegement, Griffith University, Australia. Prof. Arcodia focused intangible cultural heritage and emerging tourism destinations through his keynote speech. “Scholarly discourse surrounding cultural heritage and cultural heritage tourism is a mature discussion and one which has developed over many years and from disciplinary platforms such as anthropology, architecture, archaeology and tourism itself. The concept of intangible cultural heritage however, is more immature and perceptibly less robust because intangible cultural heritage comparatively has only lately been discussed and researched, at least in comparison to more general matters of cultural heritage. So while intangible cultural heritage has existed from the earliest time of human communal experience, it has been recognized and debated only recently” said Prof. Charles Arcodia.
“The Doctoral Colloquium and Industry Dialogue were key features of the conference. The Doctoral Colloquium provided a great opportunity for Mphil/PhD students in the discipline of Management and Finance to present and discuss their research ideas, research proposal, and work-in progress. This year’s Industry Dialogue was on ‘Collaborating for Sustainability, which was moderated by Dr. Dinuka Wijetunga. The Industry Dialogue gathered Policymakers, Academics and Industry experts such as:
- Hon. Minister Mr. Sujeewa Senasinghe (Minister, International Trade)
- Mr. Nalaka Gunawardhena (General Manager – Nature’s Beauty Creations)
- Ms. Farzana Kahn (Director – Sustainable development, communication & external affairs, Siam City Cement)
- Mr. Srilal Miththapala (Project Leader – “Greening Sri Lankan hotels” project of the Chamber of Commerce)
- Mr. Vidura Ralapanawa (General Manager – Sustainability, MAS Intimates)
- Professor Devaka Weerakoon (Conservation Biologist & Professor in Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo)
While this year’s conference was organized by Dr. Pradeep Dharmadasa and Dr. Maduka Udunuwara, the Dean of the Faculty Dr. R Senathiraja highlights that the Faculty will continue to engage in more research related activities to inculcate the research culture in the Faculty under the guidance of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Lukshman Dissanayake