The Department of International Business was established on the 1st of October 2014 operates with the intention of providing a platform to build skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the globalized world of business and to be productive and globally-minded citizens. With these intentions in mind, the department offers a wide selection of subjects (courses) in the area of International Business Management which helps students to follow a career in International Business Management, International Trade or Finance, Supply Chain Management, etc. Apart from the dynamic and challenging curriculum, the International Business development employs a wide range of teaching methods and soft skills development programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of its students to better suit the needs of the local and global, academic and corporate demands. Furthermore, we also encourage students to conduct research from an international dimension, thereby exposing them to the rapidly globalizing world.
Message from the Head of the Department

Ms. Shashya Herath
Welcome to the Department of International Business of the Faculty of Management & Finance of University of Colombo.
In an integrated and interdependent global economy, local business organizations have to strategize their business goals and objectives beyond their own country borders. Therefore, the internationalization of business through trade and investment has now become more fundamental than ever before. Importantly, this rising trend has necessitated a rapid transformation of local managerial functions to meet the cross-cultural requirements and challenges. Besides, such a transformation should be manifested in the acculturation of local managers to suit the cross-cultural contexts. The Department of International Business is aimed at producing graduates who can perform in such a greatly dynamic business landscape.
The department is a highly acclaimed academic department at the University of Colombo, which excels in education, training and research in the global academia. We have a customized curriculum with well-trained personnel to offer our learning partners the opportunity to meet those global requirements and challenges. Our curriculum includes a plethora of teaching and learning approaches including classroom lectures and presentations, guest sessions by international managers, field visits to global companies, industrial training at multinational firms, and research on global issues.
Former Heads of the Department

Dr. Sajitha Dishanka (2021-2023)

Mr. S. Sasidaran (2018-2021)

Dr. M. P. P. Dharmadasa(2015-2018)
Academic Staff

Ms. N.H.M.S.M. Herath
[MBA (Col), BBA (Col), CIMA (Passed Finalist), Accreditation for Teaching in Higher Education (SEDA)]
Senior Lecturer – Grade II

Mr. W.M.S.R. Weerasekera
[Reading for PhD (University of Kelaniya), MBA (Col), BBA (Col), CTHE (Col), SEDA (UK), CLSC (Col)]
Senior Lecturer (Transitional)

Ms. KMMM Karunarathne
[MBA (Col), BBA (Col), CTHE (Col), SEDA (UK), ACMA (UK), CGMA]
Senior Lecturer (Transitional)

Mr. DDC Lakshman
[MPhil (B.Econ) (USJP), MBA (Marketing) (UK), BBA (Int. Business) (Col), AAT (SL), CTHE (Col), SEDA (UK)]
Senior Lecturer (Transitional)

Ms. Poornima Gamage
[MBA (Col), BBA (Col), Reading CTHE, Dip. in Diplomacy and World affairs (BIDTI), Dip. in MIS (NIBM)]
Lecturer (Probationary)

Mr. Krishmal Fernando
[BBA (Col), Reading for MBA (Col)]
Lecturer (Probationary)

Mr. Venuka Batagoda
[MBA in International Business (Col) (Reading), BBA in International Business (Col) (First Class Honours), Professional Dip. Supply Chain Management, UK]
Assistant Lecturer
Non Academic Staff

Ms. S.M.D. Maheshika

Mr. W. M. C. V. Wanninayaka
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business (special) Degree
BBA in International Business is an undergraduate course that trains a student in the key concepts of business management on a global or international scale. The duration of the BBA in International Business course is 4 years and during this time, a student gains the necessary theoretical skills as well as experiential knowledge required when operating in a global business environment. The course is very relevant in a modern environment where global trade is increasing and an increasing number of businesses are finding it profitable to search for new markets and work across countries.
Common Courses offered for the BBA in International Business stream | |||||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Course Status | Semester Offered | |
BEC 1304 | Business Mathematics | 3 | Core | I | |
ACT 1302 | Financial Accounting | 3 | Core | I | |
BBA 1300 | Management Process and Practice | 3 | Core | I | |
BEC 1305 | Microeconomics | 3 | Core | I | |
BEC 1201 | Elements of Information and Communication Technology | 2 | Core | I | |
BBA 1200 | Functional English and Basic Academic Writing | 2 | Core | I | |
ENH 1000 | Second Language Course | None | Optional | I | |
Total Credits in Semester I | 16 | ||||
FIN 1302 | Basic Finance | 3 | Core | II | |
BEC 1306 | Basic Statistics | 3 | Core | II | |
HRM 1301 | Organisational Behaviour | 3 | Core | II | |
INB 1200 | Business Communication | 2 | Core | II | |
BBA 1201 | Elements of Psychology and Sociology | 2 | Core | II | |
ACT 1201 | Management Accounting | 2 | Core | II | |
BBA 1100 | Community Development Project | 1 | Core | II | |
ENH 1001 | Aesthetic Activities | None | Optional | II | |
ENH 1002 | Enhancement Course | None | Optional | II | |
ENH 1003 | Sports Activities | None | Optional | II | |
Total Credits in Semester II | 16 | ||||
FIN 2311 | Financial Management | 3 | Core | III | |
HRM 2311 | Human Resource Management | 3 | Core | III | |
BEC 2311 | Macroeconomics | 3 | Core | III | |
MKT 2311 | Marketing Management | 3 | Core | III | |
MKT 2227 | Customer Relationship Management | 2 | Core | III | |
INB 2227 | Introduction to International Business | 2 | Core | III | |
Total Credits in Semester III | 16 | ||||
ACT 2311 | Advanced Financial Accounting | 3 | Core | IV | |
BBA 2301 | Commercial Law | 3 | Core | IV | |
MKT 2312 | Operations Management | 3 | Core | IV | |
BBA 2302 | Organisation Theory and Design | 3 | Core | IV | |
BEC 2227 | Business Statistics | 2 | Core | IV | |
FIN 2227 | Financial Institutions and Markets | 2 | Core | IV | |
Total Credits in Semester IV | 16 |
Specialized Courses offered for the BBA in International Business stream | ||||
Course Code
Course Title | Credits | Course Status | Semester Offered |
INB-3300 | Research Methods | 3 | Core | V |
INB-3228 | Management Information Systems | 2 | Core | V |
INB-3301 | International Trade Theory and Practice | 3 | Specialisation core | V |
INB-3229 | Cross Cultural Management | 2 | Specialisation core | V |
INB-3230 | Managerial Economics | 2 | Specialisation core | V |
INB-3231 | International Trade Law | 2 | Specialisation core | V |
INB-3232 | Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility | 2 | Specialisation optional | V |
INB-3233 | Auditing and Taxation | 2 | Specialisation optional | V |
INB-3238 | International Business Theory | 2 | Specialisation optional | V |
INB-3302 | Strategic Management | 3 | Core | VI |
INB-3207 | Enterprise Based Project | 2 | Core | VI |
INB-3234 | Supply Chain Management | 2 | Specialisation core | VI |
INB-3208 | Seminar on Applied Research | 2 | Specialisation core* | VI |
INB-3209 | Seminar on Research | 2 | Specialisation core* | VI |
INB-3313 | International Finance | 3 | Specialisation core | VI |
INB-3235 | e-Business | 2 | Specialisation optional | VI |
INB-3236 | International Human Resource Management | 2 | Specialisation optional | VI |
INB-3237 | Labour Law | 2 | Specialisation optional | VI |
INB-4238 | Global Marketing | 2 | Specialisation core | VII |
INB-4239 | International Relations | 2 | Specialisation core | VII |
INB-4800 | Dissertation | 8 | Specialisation core** | VII |
INB-4600 | Applied Research Project | 6 | Specialisation core** | VII |
INB-4240 | Contemporary Issues in International Business | 2 | Specialisation optional | VII |
INB-4241 | Destination Marketing | 2 | Specialisation optional | VII |
INB-4242 | International Branding | 2 | Specialisation optional | VII |
INB-4243 | Entrepreneurship and Venture creation | 2 | Specialisation optional | VII |
INB-4244 | Special Topic for Professional Development | 2 | Specialisation optional | VII |
INB-4801 | Industrial Training | 8 | Specialisation core | VIII |
Master of Business Administration in International Business
As more companies expand globally, the most valuable employees will be the ones who understand how to manage resources and business activities across cultures. Students who pursue an MBA in International Business Management have the opportunity to sharpen their management and strategic-thinking skills while learning how business is conducted across cultures. They leave the program ready to handle the challenges that multinational corporations face on a regular basis. As a result, graduates might be in high demand and could command higher salaries.
Department Outing 2022
Department outing of the Department of International Business, Faculty of Management and Finance was held on 16th December 2022 at Avenra Beach Hotel, Hikkaduwa. The day was eventful with various games and activities.
Outbound Training of Department of International Business
Outbound training for the Department of International Business was successfully held on 06th November 2022 at the University of Colombo Gymnasium area. The training was organized by the Career Guidance Unit of the University of Colombo. Students had a wonderful entertainment session after the training colored with various singing and dancing performances of the students followed by a DJ music session.
Guest Sessions -“8P’s to Global Market Success”
A global sales and marketing expert, Mr. Geeshan Wijenayake who is the regional manager for BoardPAC (for US, EU and Africa) was invited by the Department of International Business, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, to conduct a guest lecture on “8P’s to Global Market Success”. This guest session was organized in line with the subject ‘Global Marketing’ on 23rd June 2021 using the Zoom platform. The guest speaker enlightened students on how global marketing strategies are implemented in practice especially in a high tech service industry. Subsequent to the session, the students claimed that it was an interesting, productive, and inspirational session that motivated them to become global marketers and international entrepreneurs.
Guest Sessions Series by the Department of International Business
A series of guest sessions with distinguished resource persons from the field of international business, under the theme of ‘Trade and Investment for Growth and Sustainability and was organized by the Department of International Business with the International Business Students’ Association on 26th and 28th November 2021. The objectives of these seminars were to bridge the theory-practice gap in higher education using the knowledge and experiences from the experts in the field and to allow students to articulate their abilities and perseverance in coordinating events since the ability to plan and organize is a skill many recruiters consider essential and also it is vital for their personal growth and development. These guest sessions will continue as a series in the future under distinctive theme to stipulate more knowledge and skills for students.
Formation of International Business Alumini Association
The inaugural meeting of the International Business Alumni Association (IBAA), Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, was successfully held on Sunday, 06th June 2021 from 5.30 pm onwards via Zoom. Prof. MPP Dharmadasa, the Dean, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo and Sr. Prof. H.D. Karunarathne, Director, IHRA – University of Colombo, were the Chief guests and the Guest of Honor of the evening respectively. Proud graduates of the International Business department have taken part in this special event and formed the Alumni Association after nominating the office bearers.
Annual Department Welcome- 2019, Department of International Business
The Department Welcome of 2019 was organized to welcome the third-year students who had selected International Business (IB) as their specialization. Final year students of the department organized the outing at Hotel Super Corals, Hikkaduwa along with the participation of the academic and non-academic staff of the department on 31st of May 2019.
Annual Department Welcome- 2018, Department of International Business
The Department Welcome of 2018 was organized to welcome the third-year students who had selected International Business (IB) as their specialization. Final year students of the department organized the outing at the Sayura Beach Hotel, Unawatuna along with the participation of the academic and non-academic staff of the department on the 14th of May 2018.
Annual Department Welcome- 2017, Department of International Business
Annual Department Welcome- 2016, Department of International Business
2024 Enterprise Based Project
In a stunning display of innovation and strategic marketing, the Department of International Business students left an indelible mark on the 2024 Enterprise Based Project. Celebrating a series of successful product launches and demonstrations, the spotlight shone brightly on Team Terra-Cycle, who soared above the competition to secure the gold medal in the best product promotion category. Their creative prowess and promotional acumen set them apart as frontrunners in this prestigious event
Aubrianna 2.0 – International Business Day
Aubrianna 2.0 – International Business Day On the 22nd of March, the Department of International Business, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, proudly hosted ‘Aubrianna 2.0’ in celebration of the International Business Day.
The event witnessed a vibrant gathering of students not only from the Department of International Business but also from various other departments within the faculty. Esteemed guests including the Chief Guest, Guests of Honour, the Dean of the Faculty, as well as the Head and former Heads of the Department graced the occasion with their presence. A highlight of the day was an engaging panel discussion featuring prominent leaders from the corporate world, namely , Dr. Kingsley Bernard, Mr. Ushan De Silva, Ms. Kumudu Dias and Mr. Dinal Goonerathne . The atmosphere was charged with intellectual discourse and insightful perspectives.
Adding to the excitement, the event also hosted the final round of the Business Case Study Competition, where participants showcased their strategic acumen and problem-solving skills. ‘Aubrianna 2.0’ served as a platform for knowledge exchange, networking, and fostering the entrepreneurial spirit among the future leaders of business.
Field Visit to Sri Lanka Customs
Field Visit to Sri Lanka Customs Organized by the Department of International Business, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo. 3rd year undergraduates of Department of International Business visited Sri Lanka Customs on 19th November 2022. Three lectures on the knowledge on Import, Export documentation procedure, transshipment procedure and Asycuda system, Trade agreements and related prospects, Customs violations, Investigation process and restrictions and prohibitions were conducted by the resource persons from Sri Lanka Customs.
Outbound Training at Sembuwatte Lake
Journeying through the scenic beauty of Sembuwatte with our incredible International Business squad! A day filled with laughter, learning, and lasting connections. On June 9th, 2023, the Department of International Business painted Sembuwatte, Matale, with the vibrant colors of friendship and knowledge. A journey that transcended classrooms and embraced the beauty of togetherness. Here’s to the beautiful memories we created together!
Aubrianna 1.0
“Aubrianna 1.0,” the annual flagship event of the Department of International Business took place on March 31st at the Faculty of Graduate Studies Auditorium under the theme of “Empowering audacious global leadership.” The Chief Guest of the event was Vice-Chancellor Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, and Dr. Kishu Gomes who is a prominent business leader served as the Keynote Speaker. Moreover, Aubrianna 1.0 was graced by the participation of the invitees: The Registrar of the University of Colombo, Mr. K. A. S. Edward; the Dean of Faculty of Management and Finance, Professor M. P. P. Dharmadasa; the Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies, Professor. A.A. Azeez; Senior Student Counsellor University of Colombo, Dr. Rajitha Silva; the Head of Departments; the Director, International Office of the University of Colombo, Professor Sashika Manorathne; the Deputy Registrar of Faculty of Management and Finance, Ms. Manuja Dannangoda; the Deputy Bursar of Faculty of Management and Finance, Ms. Saranjala Samaranayake and the Academic Staff of the Department of International Business. Senior Professor. (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne delivered a captivating speech with valuable insights to the audience. Following that, Dr. Kishu Gomes took the stage and shared an enlightening discourse on the topic of “unveiling the key attributes of successful global leadership,” leaving the audience inspired. The grand finale of the case study competition took center stage, attracting a large audience from all departments of the Faculty of Management and Finance who eagerly witnessed the glamorous event. The entertainment segments presented by the talented undergraduates of the department added a vibrant and engaging element to the proceedings, creating an unforgettable experience for all attendees.
Grandezza 2.0
Grandezza 2.0 On the 22nd of March, the Department of International Business hosted a spectacular ceremony, “Grandezza 2.0” to warmly welcome the newly inducted batch. The event commenced with an official segment graced by the presence of the acting dean of the faculty, Professor Nihal Hennayake, along with the head of the Department of International Business, Dr. Sajitha Dishanka, and other academic and non-academic staff of the department. To add flair to the occasion, the program featured entertaining performances by talented undergraduates of the department along with an engaging segment aimed at familiarizing the students with the lecturers. The second half of the ceremony was dedicated to breaking the ice and fostering connections among students. There were plenty of fun interactive games that brought delight to both lecturers and students. Overall, the event marked the beginning of an exciting chapter full of growth, learning, and memorable experiences for the newly inducted batch.
JICA Chair
Intending to nurture future leaders of developing countries, the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) initiated a program titled “JICA Chair”, focusing on Japanese studies in collaboration with leading universities in partner countries. University of Colombo had the opportunity in participating for the JICA Chair program in year 2022/23 with the patronage of the Vice chancellor, University of Colombo Senior Professor (chair) H. D. Karunarathne and Director of International office, Prof. Sashika Manorathne.Undergraduate students in the Department of International Business, Faculty of Management and Finance under the guidance of Dr. Sajitha Dishanka actively participated in the lecture series on Japanese modernization and development cooperation experiences in light of its historical and cultural background along with Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Management and Departments of International Relations and Economics from the Faculty of Arts.The program encompassed of eight intensive lectures conducted by lecturers dispatched from Japan in collaboration with JICA Sri Lanka followed by an award ceremony held on 21st February 2023 at the FGS Auditorium with the participation of government officials of Japan. The programme was concluded with a ‘Student Dialogue’ in which the final year students from the Department of International Business, Gihini Gunawrdhena (Moderator), Venuka Batagoda (Panelist) and Anuji Chandrasekera (Panelist) shared their thoughts on Japanese economic development experience.
Grandezza’ 22 -Official welcome ceremony for the newly joined students to the Department of International Business of the University of Colombo.
The official welcome ceremony for the newly joined students to the Department of International Business of the University of Colombo, organized by the International Business Students’ Society (IBSS), was held on 31st of March 2022 at the New Art Theater, University of Colombo. This year, the welcome ceremony was organized under the theme “world leaders”. The main purpose of this event was to provide the new students with an appropriate induction for the Department of International Business and appoint the new IBSS committee. Participants were composed of third-year and final-year undergraduates, recently graduated students, members of the International Business Alumni Association, and well-wishers. Chief Guest for the event was Senior Chair Professor H D Karunaratne, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo.
Enterprise Based Project 2023
Students of the Department of International Business significantly contributed to the Department’s history by achieving various awards at the Product Launch and Demonstration in Enterprise Based Project 2023.
- Most ready to start business 1st place
- Best demonstration 2nd place
- Best promotion 2nd place
- Most innovative product 3rd place
Enterprise Based Project 2022
Students of the Department of International Business significantly contributed to the Department’s history by achieving the highest number of awards at the Product Launch and Demonstration in Enterprise Based Project 2022.
1. Inspires: Full Body Covered Umbrella – 1st place: Most ready to start a business
2. Innovision: VeryFine: 3rd place: Most ready to start a business
3. Team hearty- Multipurpose ladies wear – 3rd place: green business
4. Team Innowave – Butterfly pea (Nil Katarolu) Jelly – 3rd place: Best stall
5. Team Seekers – Rice Crunchies – 3rd place- Best Promotion
Enterprise Based Project 2019
Team Kingpins | Product – Kehel Kole received the Best Green Product first place and Best Promotional Campaign third place in EBP product launch & demonstration 2019.
Team Fanta Fab got the 2nd runner up in three categories which are Most Innovative Business, Most Ready to Start Business, and Best Green Product in EBP product launch & demonstration 2019.
De Nevo ‘19
De Nevo ‘19 is the maiden event organized by the Department of International Business for the undergraduates at the Faculty of Management and Finance. It was a two-phased event comprised of a business case study competition aimed at an international business area. The first phase of the event was held on 23rd August at the faculty premises. Three shortlisted teams out of ten teams were competed at the finals held on the 30th of August with the presence of dignitaries over 200 undergraduates of the faculty.
Vacancy for an Intern at the International Office, University of Colombo

“The Ultimate Quest to Unveil the Future Business Leaders”
The global business arena is ever so changing and being future savvy is indeed a timely need. With the ultimate aim of creating proficient, future-fit leaders who are competent for the global business arena, the Department of International Business is proudly presenting, AUBRIANNA 1.0 – Case Study Competition in correspondence with the Annual IB Day which will be be held on the 31st of March 2023. Insights from the industrial experts and excellent individuals of academia, vibrant cultural performances, and many more exciting items are anticipated to be the highlights of the day. Moreover, the grand finale of the case study competition will be taking place on the day of the event, under the evaluation of an elite panel of the industrial personnel and experienced business analysts. Do join us for an eventful day and to experience the future business leaders reaching the pinnacle of triumph in their quest for victory.
About AUBRIANNA 1.0 Competition
AUBRIANNA 1.0 competition comprises of 2 phases where the undergraduates of 3rd year and 4th year are eligible to compete as groups of 3 to 5 members and cross department group formation is allowed. The competition will be open for registrations until the 10th of March 2023, whereas the preliminary round will be held on the 17th of March 2023 at the university premises. All the participants will be awarded with a valuable certificate of participation whist the top 5 teams advance to the final round. The competition is exclusively designed to fine-tune the timely skill requirements of the corporate world, thus do not miss out this valuable chance to upskill your competencies. Please refer to the following links for registrations and for more details.
- Registration Link:
- Further Details:
Seize the opportunity, leap into a better version of yourself. Good Luck!
Graduate Satisfaction & Database Survey (expired)
Business Case Study Competition
Fill form to contact the department