"Management in turbulent times: The way forward"
About IRCMF 2023 (Virtual Conference)
The 18th Annual International Research Conference on Management and Finance (IRCMF 2023) of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka will be held on 17th November 2023, under the theme of “Management in turbulent times: The way forward”. In addition, IRCMF 2023 is coupled with the salient events of the Doctoral Colloquium and Industry Dialogue. The Doctoral Colloquium will provide an excellent platform for doctoral students to present and share their research ideas to obtain in-depth feedback from peers and experienced and renowned researchers and academics for obtaining valued inputs to further improve their research. Similarly, the Industry Dialogue will highlight a range of interlinked issues and challenges for businesses and management that call for priority attention in the present economic conditions.
Conference Tracks
1. Accounting and Management Information Systems
2. Business Economics and Finance
3. Human Resources Management
4. Marketing, International Business, and Hospitality Management
5. Management, Organization Studies, and Interdisciplinary Research
Important Dates
Submission of full papers- 10th June 2023
Notification of review decision- 25th July 2023
Submission of revised manuscripts- 25th August 2023
Final notification review decision- 11th September 2023
Camera-ready copies of full papers- 10th October 2023
Registration- 1st November 2023
Doctoral Colloquium - 16th November 2023
Conference - 17th November 2023 (Virtual Conference)
Conference Co-Chairs
- Dr. Ruwangi Chandrasekara
- Dr. H.M.S. Amanda N. Herath
Conference Co-Secretaries
- Ms. Gayani Weerasinghe
- Mr. Sachin Carlton
Organized By
Faculty of Management & Finance,
University of Colombo
Selected papers will be given the opportunity to be published in Colombo business Journal (https://mgmt.cmb.ac.lk/cbj/)