No of Diploma Holders
Annual Intake
Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management(DEBM)
The Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (DEBM), offered by the Department of Management and Organization Studies at the University of Colombo, is a comprehensive one-year program has been running since 2012 designed to equip students with essential knowledge and skills in entrepreneurship and business management. The program is structured across three trimesters, covering seven modules and 19 courses. These modules address key areas such as management, human resources, accounting, marketing, economics, entrepreneurship, strategic thinking, and information technology. A significant highlight is the development of a business plan, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.
The program is open to individuals with diverse qualifications, including A/L passes with work experience, professional or vocational certifications, or substantial entrepreneurial experience. Classes are conducted in multiple languages, depending on the available resources. The program emphasizes a balance between continuous assessments and modular examinations, requiring a minimum GPA of 3.00 in each module and overall for graduation. Students achieving a cumulative GPA of 3.50 at the first attempt are eligible for a merit pass.
The DEBM program benefits from a highly qualified and globally trained faculty, bringing a wealth of academic and professional expertise to the classroom. The curriculum also includes practical learning opportunities such as field visits, workshops, and presentations, enhancing the hands-on experience. This diploma aims to prepare students to excel as entrepreneurs or business professionals, contributing meaningfully to the dynamic field of business management.

Mr.Udula Subodha
Coordinator-DEBM Programme

Head of the Department

Professor Sashika R. Abeydeera Manoratne
[PhD (Auckland, New Zealand), MBA (California, USA), BSc (SJP), CTHE (Col), SEDA (UK), Passed Finalist (CIMA))

Professor K A S P Kaluarachchi
[PhD (Hosei, Japan), MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BCom (Special) (Hons.)(SJP, Sri Lanka) CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka)]
TI: Management Process and Practice, Organizational Behaviour, QualityManagement, Impression Management, Cross Cultural Management, Contemporary Issues in Management
RI: Management Theory and Practices (MTPs)

Professor. Kumudinei Dissanayake
[PhD (Meiji, Japan), MBA (Meiji, Japan), MBA (Colombo, Sri Lanka), BCom (Special) (Colombo, Sri Lanka), Diploma in Counseling (SLFI)]
TI: Organization Theory, Organizational Behavior, Research Methods
RI: Values in organizations, Sustainability practices and SMEs, Generation Z at Work

Professor. B Nishantha
[PhD (Ryukoku University, Japan), MBA (University of Colombo), (Uni-versity of Colombo, CTHE (University of Colombo)]
TI: Entrepreneurship, Management Process and Practice, Strategic Management
RI: Entrepreneurship, SMEs, SME growth dynamics

Professor R Senathiraja
[PhD (India), MSc (SJP), BCom (Jaffna), CTHE (Col)]
TI: Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Culture & Management,Creativity and Innovation, Research Methods
RI: Creativity & Innovation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Micro Finance &Social Entrepreneurship

Professor Sashika R. Abeydeera Manoratne
[PhD (Auckland, New Zealand), MBA (California, USA), BSc (SJP), CTHE (Col), SEDA (UK), Passed Finalist (CIMA))
TI: Sustainability and Business, Business Ethics and CSR, Environmental Management, Management Theory and Practice
RI: Sustainability and businesses, spirituality, corporate ethics, teaching and learning sustainability in higher education, internationalization in higher education

Professor Tissa Ravinda Perera
Ph.D. (China), MBA (Colombo), B.Com (Colombo), CTHE (Colombo), FMAAT, LICA]
TI: Entrepreneurship Development, Small Business Management, Creativity andInnovation, Management Process and Practice, Contemporary Management Issues, Cross Cultural Management, Case Study Development and Analysis
RI: Entrepreneurship Development in Developing Countries, MSME Sector Development in Developing Countries, Management Practices in Different Countries,Contemporary Issues in Management, Creativity and Innovation in the MSMESector

Dr. Seuwandhi B. Ranasinghe
[PhD (Glasgow, UK), MBA (UOC), BBA (UOC), SEDA (UK)
accredited teacher in Higher Education, CTHE (UOC)]
Senior Lecturer
TI: Organization Theory and Design, Personality Development, KnowledgeManagement, Critical Perspectives of Organization Studies
RI: Organization studies, postcolonial studies, feminist studies

Mr. S. Sasidaran
[MEcon (Col), BCom (Col), CTHE (Col)]
Senior Lecturer
TI: Psychology, Sociology, Culture and Organizational Response, Organization Theory, Environmental Management, Organizational Design and Structure, Behaviour.
RI: Cultural Impact on Organizations, Sociological Issues and Their Impacts on Organizations and Organizational Design and Structure

Dr. J. C. Athapaththu
[PhD (QUT-Australia) Msc. (USJP, Sri Lanka), BSc in Computation & Management (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), PQHRM (IPM, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA, UK)],
Senior Lecturer
TI: Management Information Systems E-Business Managing Technology in hospitality industry
RI: E-Commerce Social commerce ICT in small business

Ms. K. K. Kapiyangoda
[MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), Staff and Ed- ucational Development Association (SEDA, UK), Passed Finalist CIMA, Reading for PhD (Col, Sri Lanka)]
Senior Lecturer
TI: Auditing, Taxation, Organization Theory
RI: Organizational culture and management, Entrepreneurship, Family businesses, Management controls

Ms. D.C.L. Digoarachchi
[MBA (PIM, SJP), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), SEDA (UK) accredited teacher in Higher Education, CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), Reading for MPhil, (FGS, Col) ]
TI: Personality Development, Sociology & Psychology, Organization Changeand Development
RI: Organization Studies, Organizational Leadership

Ms. T. Kuhendran
[MBA (PIM, SJP), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), ACCA Affiliate (UK), CTHE
(Col, Sri Lanka), Staff and Educational Development Association(SEDA, UK)]
Senior Lecturer
TI: Organization Theory and Design, Academic Writing, Personality Development
RI: Careers of women, Gender studies

Mr. M.S.J. Fernando
Reading for PhD (Deakin, Australia), MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), PQHRM (CIPM, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), SEDA (UK)]
Senior Lecturer
TI: Strategic Finance, Crisis Management, Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation
RI: Entrepreneurship, Sustainability

Ms. M S D Senavirathna
BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), Reading for MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), MAAT, ACPM, ICASL (CBA)
Assistant Lecturer
TI: Knowledge Management, Auditing, Management Process and Practice, Environmental Management, Critical Perspectives of Organization Studies
RI: Organization studies, Postcolonial studies

Mr. W. Udula Subodha Vaas
BBM in Accountancy (Special) UOK
Assistant Lecturer
TI: Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, Strategic Management, Financial Management
RI: Integrated Reporting, Sustainability Development, and Reporting, Financial Analysis, Corporate governance

Ms. R.W. Gunawardana
BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), Reading for CASL
Temporary Assistant Lecturer

Ms. L. N. Edirisuriya

Mr. N.M.S.Banduthilaka
Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (DEBM) – Awarding Ceremony 2022/2023 Batch
The Awarding Ceremony of the Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (DEBM) 2022/2023, organized by the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, was successfully held on 31st January 2025 at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Colombo.
Inauguration Ceremony of the DEBM 2023/2024
The Inauguration Ceremony of the DEBM 2023/2024 Batch of Diploma in Entrepreneurship & Business Management Course Conducted by the Department of Management & Organization Studies, Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo, held on 03rd February 2024 at the Faculty Premises.
Residential workshop for Small Business Management (HDESBM 2021/2022)
Residential workshop for Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management (HDESBM 2021/2022), Diploma in Entrepreneurship & Business Management (2021/2022), & Diploma in Entrepreneurship & Business Management (2022/2023) at the Kothmale International Training Institute of Irrigation and Water Management from May 27 to 28, 2023 with participation of many students