We are
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the faculty having the focus on assuring that the outcomes of the academic process of the faculty exceed the identified stakeholder expectations. We represent the Faculty at the Center for Quality Assurance, University of Colombo, which reports to the Quality Assurance Council of the University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka.

Quality Assurance Domain Teams
Domain 1
Student affairs, Soft-Skill, and Industry Collaboration Development Team
This team is responsible for enhancing the satisfaction of students and the usefulness of the graduates to the overall society. As per the approved quality improvement programme of the Faculty, this domain team is to create the following outcomes:
(a) Overall student satisfaction
(b) Employer satisfaction about graduates (Enhanced social, ethical and technical skills of graduates)
(c) Social recognition to graduates (Enhanced social and ethical skills of graduates)
Domain 2
Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Development Team
As per the approved quality improvement programme of the Faculty, this domain is responsible for creating an effective teaching and learning core process and effective assessment process in order to produce student and employer satisfaction.
Domain 3
Academic and Institutional Development Team
As per the approved quality improvement programme of the Faculty, this domain is responsible for creating effective teaching and learning outcomes and achieving academic excellence to the Faculty. This includes areas such as;
(i) Academic content of the study programmes
(ii) Improvements in academic output of the Faculty mainly focusing on output of academic staff
(iii) Academic developments of the academic staff of the Faculty
Domain 4
Interior Facility Development Team
As per the approved quality improvement programme of the Faculty, this domain is responsible for maintaining physical comfort to academic and non-academic staff as well as students, making sure the availability of effective teaching and learning facilities, and assuring comfortable interpersonal relations between students and the academic and non-academic staff.
This has the specific focus on the following areas:
(i) Teaching and learning support facilities
(ii) Physical comfort to academic staff
(iii) Physical comfort to non-academic staff
(iv) Promoting advanced interpersonal relations
Domain 5
Exterior Facility Development Team
As per the approved quality improvement programme of the Faculty, this domain is responsible for maintaining comfortable and attractive physical environment for the Faculty.
This has the specific focus on the following areas:
(i) Attractiveness of physical environment
(ii) Hygienic and tidy physical environment
(iv) Supportive Physical environment
Student Satisfaction Survey Conducted By the Internal Quality Assurance Unit Faculty of Management & Finance
Coordinator – IQAC

Dr. A.A.C. Abeysinghe
Department of Accounting,
Faculty of Management & Finance
Mobile: +94 771 141 977
Email: c_abey@dac.cmb.ac.lk
Programme Assistant– IQAC

Ms.Rashani Nilisha
Faculty of Management & Finance
University of Colombo
Mobile: +94 770605242
Email: qualicell@dac.cmb.ac.lk