The Department of Management and Organization Studies offers BBA (Special) degree programme which provides knowledge and skills and inculcates the exact attitude to be Management Professionals in any functional area of business or entrepreneurs who also being a worthy citizens of this global society. The curriculum of the Department is designed to prepare students to gather the knowledge related to all management aspects on their preference in order to arm them with general management knowledge. Therefore the Department is not constraining to any particular specialization area to conduct the industrial training during the degree programme while enabling opportunities for students to choose their own careers.
The department offers undergraduates, tremendous opportunities and experiences by conducting several annual events as Business Idea Competition (BIC) which generates and commercializes innovative business ideas of students, Research Development Forum (RDF) which builds the platform for the young academics to present their initial research ideas and to develop such ideas in a research culture through the comments of other academics, Diploma in Small Business Management (DSBM), Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (HDESBM), Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (PGDEBM), Residential Workshops, Outbound Trainings, Factory Visits, Guest Lectures, Seminars, and Workshops. Moreover department organizes departmental day-outs to improve understanding and association between the staff and students.

Message from the Head of the Department

Professor Sashika R. Abeydeera Manoratne
The Department of Management and Organization Studies currently offers the BBA (Special) degree programme developing competencies of its students to be successful managers in any area of business and/or to be successful entrepreneurs, while they are being worthy citizens of the broader society. All students who step into the world of business with this degree qualification will find numerous opportunities in the broad spectrum of management to secure their employment easily in any field of business. More importantly, our students would rapidly climb up the organizational ladder to hold strategic positions in any organization.
The courses offered by the Department would help its students enrich with competencies in the broad spectrum of management and to aspire entrepreneurs with new knowledge and capabilities to start and manage their own businesses as well. In addition to offering courses for the BBA (Special) degree programme, the Department has taken initiatives to offer several extension programmes and organize academic-related activities in management and entrepreneurship. Being one of the most mature and versatile departments of the Faculty, the Department of Management and Organization Studies consists of highly qualified, experienced and dedicated staff members who are well connected with the corporate world to facilitate the enhancement of competencies and exposure of the students. Finally, I wish our Department to embark its future milestones very successfully and to step further in the modern business world.
Former Heads of the Department

Dr.Tissa Ravinda Perera (2021-2024)

Professor K. A. S. P. Kaluarachchi (2019-2021)

Prof. B. Nishantha (2015-2018)

Professor K. Dissanayake (2007-2011)
Academic Staff

Professor K.A.S.P. Kaluarachchi
[PhD (Hosei, Japan), MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BCom (Special) (Hons) (SJP, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), LICA, MAAT]

Professor K Dissanayake
[PhD (Meiji, Japan), MBA (Meiji, Japan), MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BCom (Special) Hons (Col, Sri Lanka), Dip. in Adv. Eng. (Col, Sri Lanka), Dip. in Counselling (SLFI, Sri Lanka)]

Professor B Nishantha
[PhD (Ryukoku, Japan), MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BCom (Col, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka)]

Professor R. Senathiraja
[PhD (India), MSc (Mgt) (SJP, Sri Lanka), BCom (Jaffna, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka)]

Professor Sashika R. Abeydeera Manoratne
[PhD (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), MBA (California, USA), BSc (USJP, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA, UK), Passed Finalist CIMA]

Professor Tissa Ravinda Perera
[Ph.D.( Wuhan University of Technology, China), MBA (Colombo ), B.Com(Colombo )]

[PhD (Glasgow, UK), MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA, UK) certified teacher in higher education]
Senior Lecturer – Grade II

Mr. S. Sasidaran
[MEcon (Col), BCom (Col), CTHE (Col)]
Senior Lecturer – Grade I

Dr. J.C. Athapaththu
[PhD (Queensland University of Technology, Australia),MSc. (USJP, Sri Lanka),BSc in Computation & Management (Peradeniya, Sri Lanka), PQHRM (CIPM, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Colombo, Sri Lanka), Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA, UK)]
Senior Lecturer (Transitional)

Ms. K.K. Kapiyangoda
[MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA, UK), Passed Finalist CIMA, Reading for PhD (Col, Sri Lanka))
Senior Lecturer Grade II

Ms. D.C.L. Digoarachchi
[MBA (PIM, SJP) BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), SEDA (UK) accredited teacher in Higher Education, CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka)], Reading for MPhil, (FGS, Col)], ICASL (CAB II)
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)

[MBA (PIM, SJP), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), ACCA Affiliate (UK), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), SEDA (UK) accredited teacher in Higher Education)
Senior Lecturer (Transitional) (On study leave)

Mr. M.S.J. Fernando
[MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), PQHRM (IPM, Sri Lanka), CTHE (Col, Sri Lanka), Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA, UK)]
Senior Lecturer (Transitional)

Ms. M. Shanika Dilhani Senavirathna
[BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), Reading for MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), MAAT, ACPM, ICASL (CBA)]
Temporary Assistant Lecturer

Mr. W.Udula Subodha Vaas
[BBM (Special) Accountancy (Kel, Sri Lanka), Reading for MBA (Col, Sri Lanka), Passed Finalist (CIMA)]
Temporary Assistant Lecturer

Ms. R.W. Gunawardana
[BBA (Col, Sri Lanka), Reading for CASL]
Temporary Assistant Lecturer
Non Academic Staff

Ms. L.N.Edirisuriya

Mr. N.M.S.Banduthilaka
Department of Management and Organization Studies at the Faculty of Management & Finance celebrates ‘MOS Day 2024’ pioneering Collaborative Leadership for Success
The Department of Management and Organization Studies (MOS) at the Faculty of Management and Finance, successfully held its annual departmental event titled “MOS Day 2024 – Futurenza 1.0” on October 29, 2024 under the theme of “Collaborative Leadership for Success”. The event was graced by distinguished guests, including Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunarathna, Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo, Professor H M Nihal Hennayake, Dean of the Faculty of Management and Finance and Dr. (Eng.) Sanath Divakara, General Secretary of the Institute of Supply Chain and Materials Management along with many other invited faculty and industry experts.
MOS Day 2024 showcased several key events epitomizing the collaborative efforts of both students and staff of the Department of MOS performed during the year. Among them the launch of the Departmental video compiled by the department’s third-year students. The launch of Volume 1 and Issue 2 of ‘MOS Review’, a bi-annual publication of the Department of MOS enabling a platform for both students and staff to collaboratively publish their research also took place during the event. This edition was officially handed over by Professor Sashika Manoratne, Head of the Department of Management and Organization Studies, to Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunarathna, Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo, symbolizing the Department’s commitment to fostering research excellence.
A highlight of MOS Day 2024 was the much-anticipated grand finale of the Business Idea Competition (BIC) 2024. BIC is a flagship event organized by the Department of MOS annually since 2016 which is an open call for all undergraduate students of the Faculty of Management and Finance to present their novel business ideas to a panel of industry experts and professionals. Going beyond a mere competition, BIC enables undergraduates to take part in several rounds of upskilling sessions facilitated by the industry experts to groom and refine their business idea presentations. This year, the first prize was awarded to “a virtual Handy Craft Marketplace” followed by “An App – Job Portal” and “A Bus and Train Location Mobile App” securing the second and third places respectively. In addition to fostering entrepreneurship and academic research, MOS Day 2024 celebrated the grand finale of the Creative Writing and Poetry Competition conducted in Sinhala, Tamil, and English languages illuminating the hidden aesthetic talents of all undergraduates of the Faculty of Management and Finance.
With a vibrant lineup of activities and memorable achievements, MOS Day 2024 – Futurenza 1.0 underscored the MOS Department’s commitment to empowering students through collaboration, innovation, and leadership. It was an inspiring day for all, sparking new ideas and fostering a dynamic community of future leaders and changemakers.
Embedding Ethical Leadership and Core Values in the Curriculum: A Pathway to Responsible Education
Dr. Mary Anthony, Senior Lecturer, School of Law & Business, The University of Notre Dame Australia, contributed to the session as the resource person Organized by the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo.
The Inauguration Ceremony of the DEBM 2023/2024 Batch of Diploma in Entrepreneurship & Business Management Course Conducted by the Department of Management & Organization Studies, Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo was successfully held on 03rd February(Today) 2024 at the Faculty Premises.
Mr. Banula Karunarathne, Chairman/ Managing Director of Auto Bathware (Pvt) Ltd was the Keynote Speaker at the Event
Warmly welcome the new 2023/24 batch of students embarking on a journey of knowledge and exploration in the fields of Entrepreneurship and Business Management.
The MOS Review – Volume I Issue I
The Department of Management & Organization Studies, Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo Launched its MOS Review to Showcase the Research Work Done by Final Year Undergraduates of the MOS Department on January 16, 2024
EMPORIO 2.0 (MOS Day 2023)
EMPORIO (MOS Day 2023) Held on October 04, 2023, Organized by the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo at the Faculty of Management and Finance
Senior Professor HD Karunarathne, Vice Chancellor, University of Colombo graced the event as the chief guest. Professor MPP Dharmadasa, the Dean, of the Faculty of Management and Finance participated as the Guest of Honor.
Ms. Kasturi Chellaraja Wilson, CEO of the Hemas Holding PLC, and Ms. Chethana Liyanage, CEO, of Maharaja Institute of Management (Pvt) Ltd. and Director, of Talent Management, Capital Maharaja Group, participated in the event as the keynote speakers.
Curriculum Revision “DEBM”2023
Curriculum Revision for DEBM (Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management) Organized by the Department of Management & Organization Studies, Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo held on October 13, 2023
Business Idea Competition (BIC) Grand Finale 2023
The Business Idea Competition (BIC) was held successfully on August 18, 2023, at the Faculty of Management Finance, University of Colombo for the sixth consecutive time. The journey of BIC was initiated by the Department of Management and Organization Studies in 2016 aiming to improve the creativity, innovativeness, and entrepreneurial skills of the undergraduates
Winners of Business Idea Competition (BIC) 2022 Met People’s Bank Staff
EMPORIO 2022 ( MOS Day)
EMPORIO 2022 ( MOS Day) Organized by the Department of Management & Organization Studies, Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo Successfully Completed on November 02, 2022 at the Faculty of Management & Finance Premises
Pre-Evaluation Meeting of BIC 2023 by Industry Experts
Conducted a Pre-evaluation Meeting for Undergraduates who Submitted Proposals for the Business Idea Competition (BIC) 2023 on November 9, 2022, by the Director ( Human Resources), Director ( Supply Chain) & Director ( Research & Development) of Trelleborg Lanka (Pvt) Limited
Business Idea Competition (BIC)
Business Idea Competition (BIC) is an annual event organized by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Unit (IEDU) of the Department. It was initiated in 2016 for the generation and commercialization of business ideas of the first and second-year undergraduates of the Faculty. The participants are supposed to apply and present their creative and innovative business idea proposals individually and as teams in terms of new products, new services, new technologies and new solutions applicable to any area of business. The business idea proposals submitted by them individually and in teams are evaluated by panels consisting of academics and industry experts and finalists have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to a larger audience, which is the final round of evaluating such proposals. Next event of BIC has been opened up for all undergraduates in the Faculty as expanding the scope of the event.
Objectives of BIC
The main objectives of the competition are to foster idea generation and to facilitate the commercialization of business ideas of students in the faculty. In addition, it is expected to enhance the linkage between the industry and the structure.
Evaluation Criteria
- Commercial viability
- Potential to raise finance
- Size of the potential market
- Creativity and innovativeness
- Impact on sustainability
- Potential to sustain business
Cash Prices for the First, Second, and Third places and certificates for the best ten business ideas
Research Development Forum (RDF)
Research Development Forum (RDF) was initiated by the Department in 2008 to inculcate a research culture among academic staff members of the Faculty. In particular, it has been providing opportunities and a forum for young academics to present their initial research ideas and to develop such ideas through the comments of other academics. Presently, the research seminars and workshops of the Forum are organized through a Coordinator appointed from the academic staff of the Department periodically. Today the RDF of the Department is popular amongst the academia of the country because it has turned to arrange research workshops and invite external university academics from both local and international universities for the knowledge sharing sessions.
Entrepreneurship Webinars
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Unit (IEDU) is an initiative of the Department of Management and Organization Studies to promote an entrepreneurial and innovative culture among students and stakeholders in Sri Lanka. A series of webinars featuring renowned entrepreneurs was organized by the IEDU twice every month bringing together the students, faculty and local SMEs to build a close knit community of entrepreneurial-minded individuals and help aspiring student entrepreneurs to turn their ideas and passions into businesses.
BBA Alumini
An alumni association for the passed-out undergraduates of the Department of Management and Organization Studies was formed this year with the intention of setting up a social network among the past students and the academic staff of the department with the hopes of launching discussions among the stakeholders of the department including the academic staff, past students, and the present students about recent trends, improvements, updates of the industry by sharing the views and knowledge with each other. The alumni association plans to develop a job network facilitating the career advancement of both undergraduates and past students of the department while conducting events and programs for the development and improvement of the present students in the department.
Introducing the MOS Students Circle 2025/26
Introducing the MOS Students Circle 2025/26 of the Department of Management & Organization Studies, Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo!
A place for creativity, leadership and teamwork, the circle brings students together through exciting events and initiatives.
Stay connected for more updates!
Welcoming the next generation of MOS students 2025
The MOS Welcome 2025 was held on 28th February 2025 at the Aqua Pearl Lake Resort to officially welcome the newest batch of MOS undergraduates. The day was filled with insightful speeches, engaging performances, and moments that truly reflected the essence of our department.
From the inspiring words of Prof. S.R. Manorathne to the warm welcome extended by the department lecturers and seniors designed to create a sense of belonging for incoming juniors. The MOS Circle- 2025 Appointment marked the transition of leadership seeing the torch passed to a new team ready to take on the challenge was both nostalgic and exciting.
The day was packed with energy, from performances by the talented juniors to interactive sessions and, of course, a DJ event that brought everyone together in true MOS style! More than just an introduction, this event was a reminder of the strong community we have built within the Department of Management and Organization Studies.
New Year Party 2024
New Year Party Organized by MOS Students’ Circle of the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo at the Faculty Premises on 25th April 2024
Industrial Day Outing
Department of Management and Organization Studies (MOS Department), Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo Organized an Industrial Day Outing on April 24, 2024, for its Undergraduates to CBL Food International (Pvt) Ltd in Ranala (
Publishing your research
Successfully Conducted a Guest Lecture for the faculty staff “Publishing your research” Organized by the MOS Students’ Circle, Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo
Professor Dilani Jayawarna, Professor in Entrepreneurship Strategy, IB and Entrepreneurship, University of Liverpool, UK contributed to the session as the resource person
Inauguration Ceremony of the DEBM 2023/2024
The Inauguration Ceremony of the DEBM 2023/2024 Batch of Diploma in Entrepreneurship & Business Management Course Conducted by the Department of Management & Organization Studies, Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo, held on 03rd February (Today) 2024 at the Faculty Premises.
Mr. Banula Karunarathne, Chairman/ Managing Director of Auto Bathware (Pvt) Ltd was the Keynote Speaker at the Event
Golden Gathering
Golden Gathering for “Thanks Giving to MOS Staff” organized by the final year students of the Department of Management and Organization Studies, at the East Wing Building – FMF on November 24, 2023
The MOS Car Wash Fundraising Event
The “MOS Car Wash” Fundraising Event, organized by the MOS Students’ Circle of the MOS Department was successfully held on September 16, 2023, near the Henry Pedris Children’s Library in Havelock Town, Colombo 5.
A guest session on “Cross-cultural Issues in Doing Business in Different Countries”
A guest session on “Cross-cultural Issues in Doing Business in Different Countries” Organized by the MOS Students’ Circle held on September 10, 2023, on East Wing Building, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo
The Session Conducted by Ms.Meng Wei, Foreign Sales Manager, Shandong High-Grade Economic Trading Co. Ltd, China
Annual Day Outing
MOS Department Student’s Annual Day Outing on March 30th and 31st, 2023 to Kothmale International Training Institute of Irrigation and Water Management (KITI-IWM). The Welcome Ceremony of Newcomers to the Department was also organized by the MOS Students’ Circle of the Department in parallel to this Event.
New Year Party
New Year Party Organized by MOS Students’ Circle of the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo at the Faculty Premises on 18th April 2023
The Vesak Ice Cream DANSELA
The Vesak Ice Cream DANSELA organized by the MOS Students’ Circle was held at the premises of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo on May 9th, 2023, with the participation of many students.
Guest Session on “Understanding Capital Markets”
The MOS Students’ Circle organized a guest session on 12th May 2023 on “Understanding Capital Markets.” The session, conducted by Mr. Thushara Jayarathna, Director of External Relations and Capital Market Education at the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka.
Workshop for Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (HDESBM 2021/2022)
A residential workshop for Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (HDESBM 2021/2022), Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (DEBM 2021/2022), and Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (DEBM 2022/2023) at the Kothmale International Training Institute of Irrigation and Water Management from May 27th to 28th, 2023
Guest Session on “How to Secure Higher Education Placement in a Prestigious Foreign University”
The MOS Students’ Circle organized a workshop session on 14th June 2023 on, “How to Secure Higher Education Placement in a Prestigious Foreign University” conducted by Mr. Ruwan Egodage, Certified Career Counsellor, Certified HR Practitioner.
Greetings from Semester V Students to Semester VII Students
Semester V students have arranged a Greeting Ceremony on behalf of their seniors (Semester VII students) for their Guidance, Inspiration, and Friendship as well as received invaluable support throughout their Past University Period on 19 June, 2023
Greetings from Semester V Students to Semester VII Students
Semester V students have arranged a Greeting Ceremony on behalf of their seniors (Semester VII students) for their Guidance, Inspiration, and Friendship as well as received invaluable support throughout their Past University Period on 19 June, 2023
Webinar Session on Research Data Analysis
Webinar Sessions on Research Data Analysis, conducted on 21st June 2023(Quantitative Data Analysis), 5th July 2023(Qualitative Data Analysis) and 06th July 2023(Quantitative Data Analysis II)
Inauguration Ceremony of the HDSBM 2022/2023
Inauguration Ceremony of the HDSBM 2022/2023 Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, held on 9th July 2023 at the Faculty Premises.
Guest Session on Sustainable Business Practices in China: Connecting Global Business Opportunities
A guest Session was conducted, on “Sustainable Business Practices in China: Connecting Global Business Opportunities” by Mr. Chiranjaya Udumullage, CEO/Managing Director of Beijing Sri Road Connection Trade Company LTD, People’s Republic of China on, 27th July 2023.
Industrial Day Outing
Department of Management and Organization Studies (MOS Department), Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo Organized an Industrial Day Outing on August 10, 2023, for its Undergraduates to Swisstek Aluminium Company Ltd (
Making a Change – Leadership and Personality Development Training Programme
Twelve Semester V undergraduates of the Department of Management and Organization Studies of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, conducted a Leadership and Personality Development Training Programme for the Senior Prefects of the S.K.K. Sooriyarachchi Secondary School, Kadawatha, on 26 May 2023, under the theme “Making a Change” as a part of the course BBA 3203 Project Management. Sessions on developing leadership skills, communication skills, decision-making skills, and emotional intelligence were conducted, along with various games and activities, which were designed to foster personal growth and development. Around fifty Senior Prefects participated and benefited from this project.
Animal Welfare Project – A Philanthropic Project
A philanthropic project was organized by the Semester V undergraduates of the Department of Management and Organization Studies of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, at the Animal Welfare and Protection Association Shelter (AWPA), Dehiwala, on 27 May 2023 under the theme making a change and improving the lives of stray and abandoned animals. The student volunteers extended their support to clean about 12 dogs, painted the exterior wall of the shelter and donated medical aids. This project was carried out as a part of the course BBA 3203 Project Management.
MOS Students Launched their Magazine ” MOS Digest 2022″
The MOS Students' Circle of the MOS Department has published their magazine titled "MOS Digest 2022".
Please Click the button for magazine 'MOS Digest 2022'
Fundraising by MOS Students
MOS Students Sell Wristbands as a Fundraising Activity
Interviewed Dr. Kulathuga Rajapakshe for “MOS Digest 2022”
Students of MOS Department Interviewed Dr. Kulathuga Rajapakshe, Emeritus Managing Director, DSI Samson Group (Pvt) Limited on November 15, 2022 for their Forthcoming Magazine “MOS Digest 2022”
Fund raising activity organized by MOS students
MOS Students Organized a Fund-Raising Activity on November 15, 2022 to Earn Money for their Future Activities.
MOS Students attended to organize the Post Budget 2023 Forum Organized by the MBA Alumni Association
MOS Students Attended to Help the Post Budget 2023 Forum Organized by the MBA Alumni Association of the University of Colombo on November 18, 2022 at Shangri-La Hotel, Colombo
MOS Students Organized a Beach Cleaning Project
MOS Students Organized a Beach Cleaning Project on November 19, 2022, at Preethipura Beach, Wattala, in Collaboration with 306 B2 Lions Club of Colombo Metropolitan under the Subject BBA 3213 Team Development.
Guest Session on ‘Personal Grooming and Dinning Etiquette’
A guest session was organized by MOS Students’ Circle on 26 October 2022 at Professor Jayarathne Conference Hall, East Wing Building, Faculty of Management and Finance, for the undergraduates on ‘Personal Grooming and Dining Etiquette’. The Air Commodore Manoaj Keppetipola (Deputy Director Administration, Sri Lanka Air Force) was the guest speaker for the session.
Webinar Session on “CV Writing and Facing an Interview”
The MOS Students’ Circle organized a webinar session on “CV Writing and Facing an Interview” for the students in the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo. Ms. Shermila Rajapaksha, the Managing Director of Biz Cliniq (Pvt) Ltd. was the guest speaker for the session.
Webinars organized by MOS students’ Circle
MOS Students’ Circle was formed by the undergraduates of the Department of Management and Organization Studies in 2021. The third and fourth year undergraduates of the department together with the academic staff organize webinars that are beneficial for the students of the faculty in terms of their skill development that would be complementary to their academic education. During the short period of its establishment, the undergraduates conducted a few seminars on telephone etiquette, CV writing and guide to facing interviews.
Department Day Out – 2019
A Day Outs organized for the third year and fourth year students of the Department with its academic and non-academic staff members as a usual event, which includes fun filled activities and out-bound training sessions focused to develop leadership and networking skills of the students.
A Motivational Speech Organized by the Department for the First Year Students of the Faculty
A guest lecture session on Motivation was organized by our department for the first year Students inviting the resource person. Lahiru Ratnayake, a motivational speaker (also a BBA degree holder from our faculty) in order to enhance the motivational level of the students and to successfully continue their studies in the university. This session also helped improving the awareness of the students on how to manage their stress level being doing studies at the university by sharing such real life and practical experience by the speaker.
MOS Review Volume 2, Issue 1
MOS Review Volume 1 Issue 2
MOS Review
The MOS REVIEW is a bi-annual magazine published by the Department of Management and Organization Studies. This is an outstanding initiative of the MOS Department to publish the research work done by the students with the support of the staff of the MOS department.
Editorial Policies
- MOS REVIEW is a bi-annual non-refereed student publication of the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo. It will be published in November and May of each year in electronic form identified with an ISSN.
- All submissions to MOS REVIEW should be original work of the author(s). Further, the submission should not have been published or submitted to any other publishing outlet for consideration.
- Plagiarism is an academic offence. The similarity index accepted by MOS REVIEW is 20 per cent. The Editorial Committee will check plagiarism of all submissions. However, it is the responsibility of the author(s) to check plagiarism before the submission.
- Text editing will be handled by the Editorial Committee. However, it is the responsibility of authors to make sure that the submission is free from errors, typos, spelling and grammar mistakes by the time of submission.
- The submissions to MOS REVIEW will be entertained through the official email: Submission deadlines will be the end of September (Issue 1) and March (Issue 2) each year.
- The decisions of the Editorial Committee on the publication will be the final.
Author Guidelines
- The submission should be a conceptual paper which describes a single (broad) key concept in the students’ research project (e.g., social entrepreneurship, workplace bullying).
- The first page must include a title with names and affiliations of the authors, and contact details (including the email addresses).
- An abstract with a maximum of 120 words and around 3-5 keywords should be submitted along with the conceptual paper.
- The content of the submission may include the following: terminology clarification, recent research findings around the concept, theories used in the conceptual domain, different conceptualizations and operationalizations of the concept, diverse methodologies used, different contextual backgrounds of the past research, and directions for future research agenda.
- The submission will be a joint work with the supervisor who approves the work for publication.
- The submission should be limited to 2000 words (excluding references). As the submission is a conceptual paper, no tables, figures, charts or annexures will be entertained.
- APA guidelines 7th edition should be followed for in-text citations and in compiling the reference list.
- The submission should be type-written. Formatting should be as follows:
Font type: Times New Roman
Font size: 12 points
Line spacing: 1.5
Paper size: A4
Page margins: 1 inch all sides
MOS Day 2024 and Business Idea Competition (BIC) Grand Finale
MOS Day 2024, featuring the Grand Finale of the Business Idea Competition (BIC) will be held on 29th October 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Hall No. 3.2, East Wing Building.

Business Idea Competition (BIC) 2024
Calling for applications has been started for the Business Idea Competition (2024) organized by the Department of Management and Organization Studies.
Submit your business idea or ideas on or before November 30, 2023
Contents of the proposal
Description: Describe the features and benefits of the idea
Uniqueness: Differentiate the Idea from existing ideas
Target Market: Explain the buyers and their characteristics along with the marketing mix
Send your proposal to:

Are You a Budding Poet? Poem Competition
Submit your handwritten or typed entries (Sinhala, Tamil, or English) to the Department of MOS or submit them via mail through on or before September 15, 2023
Upcoming Event- EMPORIO" MOS Day 2023
“Emporio” MOS Day 2023 Organized by the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo will be held on October 04, 2023, from 10.00 AM Onwards at the East Wing Building, Hall No. 3.2 FMF with the Theme “Women’s Leadership in Navigating Turbulent Times”(News and events- Upcoming events)
Upcoming Event- 15. Guest Session on “Cross-cultural Issues in Doing Business in Different Countries”
A session on “Cross-cultural Issues in Doing Business in Different Countries” Organized by the MOS Students’ Circle, will be held on September 10, 2023, from 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM, at Hall No.1.4, East Wing Building, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo.
MoS Review
MOS REVIEW is a bi-annual non-refereed student publication of the Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo. It will be published in November and May of each year in the electronic form identified with an ISSN
Business Idea Competition (BIC) 2023
For more details, visit or Facebook page at:
Guest Speech on ‘Foreign work opportunities available for Sri Lankan graduates’
A guest session on ‘Foreign work opportunities available for Sri Lankan graduates’ by the guest speaker Ms. Sanduni Uduwana [BBA (Australia), MBA (UK), CELTA (Cambridge)] was held on 23 September 2022 for the students of the Department of Management and Organization Studies.
Guest Lecture
A Guest Lecture was conducted for the Semester VI students of the Department of MOS for the course Cross Cultural Management. Mr. Wang Li, Chief Representative of Sri Lanka for TBEA Company Limited, conducted the lecture on the topic “How I See Sri Lanka as a Chinese”.
Discussion to commercialize the business ideas of the students
A discussion was held with Mr. Upali Jayasekara, Chairman/ Managing Director of Mega Heaters Group of Companies to commercialize the business ideas of the students which won the first three places in the Business Idea Competition (BIC) 2021 organized by the Department Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo
Industry Visit
Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo organized an industry visit on 05 October 2022 for its undergraduates to Trelleborg Lanka (Pvt) Ltd in Makola.
Guest Lecture “IT Infrastructure Facilities for E-business”
A guest lecture was conducted by Mr. Prabodh Upasena, Chief Executive Officer, IM Solutions (Pvt) Ltd on the topic “IT infrastructure facilities for E-business” for the Semester VI students of the Department of MOS for the course BBA 3212 E-business.
Department Day Out
Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo organized a Day Out for its Third Year Students on 19 October 2022 to Aqua Peal Lake Report, Moratuwa.
Curriculum Revision Meeting of the Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (HDESBM)
Curriculum Revision Meeting of the Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (HDESBM), Department of Management and Organization Studies, Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo held on 19 October 2022 with the participation of all department staff, industry experts and past students.
Students’ Achievements – Business Idea Competition (BIC)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) Degree
The BBA (Honours) Degree programme has been specially designed without limiting students to a particular specialization area and this programme is enabling access to the knowledge related to all management specialization areas based on student preference. It provides great opportunities for students to select and plan their career path focusing on any area of management and to gain competitive advantages. BBA (Honours) Degree programme developing soft skills, knowledge and the background to become successful in any areas of business and/or to become successful entrepreneurs.
Course Code | Course Title | Credits | Course Status | Offered Semester |
BBA-3303 | Research Methods | 3 | Core | V |
BBA-3202 | Management Information Systems | 2 | Core | V |
BBA-3304 | Auditing | 3 | Specialization Core | V |
BBA-3305 | Industrial Law | 3 | Specialization Core | V |
BBA-3306 | Managing for Quality | 3 | Specialization Core | V |
BBA-3203 | Project Management | 2 | Specialization Optional | V |
BBA-3204 | Supply Chain Management | 2 | Specialization Optional | V |
BBA-3205 | Personality Development | 2 | Specialization Optional | V |
BBA-3307 | Strategic Management | 3 | Core | VI |
BBA-3207 | Enterprise Based Project | 2 | Core | VI |
BBA-3308 | Taxation | 3 | Specialization Core | VI |
BBA-3208 | Seminar On Applied Research | 2 | Specialization Core* | VI |
BBA-3209 | Seminar On Research | 2 | Specialization Core* | VI |
BBA-3206 | Environmental Management | 2 | Specialization Core | VI |
BBA-3210 | Cross Cultural Management | 2 | Specialization Optional | VI |
BBA-3211 | Crisis Management | 2 | Specialization Optional | VI |
BBA-3212 | e-Business | 2 | Specialization Optional | VI |
BBA-3213 | Team Development | 2 | Specialization Optional | VI |
BBA-4214 | Contemporary Issues In Management | 2 | Specialization Core | VII |
BBA-4215 | Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship | 2 | Specialization Core | VII |
BBA-4800 | Dissertation | 8 | Specialization Core** | VII |
BBA-4600 | Applied Research Project | 6 | Specialization Core** | VII |
BBA-4216 | Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility | 2 | Specialization Optional | VII |
BBA-4217 | Creativity and Innovation | 2 | Specialization Optional | VII |
BBA-4218 | Knowledge Management | 2 | Specialization Optional | VII |
BBA-4219 | Special Topics in Management | 2 | Specialization Optional | VII |
BBA-4220 | Strategic Finance | 2 | Specialization Optional | VII |
BBA-4221 | Organizational Change and Development | 2 | Specialization Optional | VII |
BBA-4801 | Industrial Training | 8 | Specialization Core | VIII |
DEBM Programme
HDESBM Programme
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