Review Process

All submissions excluding book reviews and perspective papers are submitted to a double-blind peer review process. Book reviews and perspective papers will be reviewed by the editorial board.

Note:  Book reviews published in the CBJ will be written mainly on invitation. However, any author interested in submitting a book review could contact the Editorial Board prior to writing the review with details of the book.

The submissions are first reviewed by the editor in chief with the help of an editorial member who has knowledge in the relevant management/business discipline. Then if it is not desk rejected, it is sent to two reviewers for double blind review. Depending on the recommendation of the reviewers (major/minor corrections or rejection) the authors are requested to submit a revision; reviewers’ comments are supplemented, if needed, by the editor in chief or an editor with knowledge in the area of the study. The revised submission is checked against the reviewer/editorial comments by an editor with knowledge in the area of study and if the revisions are acceptable, the paper is accepted for publication. If it is not revised up to the levels of expectation, authors are instructed to undertake further rounds of revision

Within one week of receiving the submission the author will be informed whether it has been desk-rejected or is considered for review. From the date of informing the authors that the paper is considered for review, the review process will take, on average, one and a half to two months. The CBJ expects the author to submit the revised paper within three months of informing review comments.