Master in Business Administration in International Business (Weekend)

Payment Options

  • Payment Option 1 – Direct Deposit at any People’s Bank Branch
  • Payment Option 2 – Online Fund Transfers

Payment Option 1 – Direct Deposit at any People’s Bank Branch

Please pay at any branch of the People’s Bank island-wide using the usual deposit slip. Fill in the slip using the following information and your personal information. Please keep a scanned copy of the bank slip with you.

  • Account No: 312093700016
  • Account Name: Main Collection Account of University of Colombo
  • Reason for Payment: MBAFMF Application Fee 2024

Payment Option 2- Online Fund Transfers

Please follow the information given below:

  • Select ‘Post Grad. Application Fee – FM/FS/FL/FGS/FMF’ from the drop-down menu of ‘Fee Type’
  • Select VISA/MASTER
  • Enter your Name, NIC (National Identity Card Number), or Passport Number and the relevant LKR/USD amount
  • Enter 312093700016 in the Payment Reference bar
  • Once verified, please submit your information
  • Check and confirm your details
  • Enter your card details and proceed

Instructions for Candidates 

  • It is strongly advised to ensure that you have fulfilled requirements to apply for each Programme. 
  • All sections in this application must be completed fully and accurately. Incomplete applications and/or curriculum vitae in lieu of application will not be accepted.
  • You can send you application through online or by post. Please follow only one method.

    If you send your application in online mode
    Online Application
    Please attach scanned copies of educational/professional certificates and service certificates obtained from employers for adequate proof of experience. Please submit evidence to prove the duration of your degree programme (e.g., university certified documents/copy of By-Laws/ Prospectus etc. You need to scan your documents very clearly using a scanning device or a mobile scanner app.

    If you send your application by post
    Application PDF
    Please attach photo copies of educational/professional certificates and service certificates obtained from employers for adequate proof of experience. Please submit evidence to prove the duration of your degree programme (e.g., university certified documents/copy of By-Laws/ Prospectus etc.

Master in Business Administration in International Business (Weekend)

MBA – IB Degree Programme aims at nurturing managers who are competent in handling businesses in line with contemporary practices in the international arena. Programme participants will be trained to manage global business developments, foreign business operations and entry into new foreign markets. Hence, they will gain a broader knowledge on overseeing the operational duties and future planning in multinational projects and business deals.

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] 2 Year Programme
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] Weekend
[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] Trimester Basis
A Special Degree with a First Class or Second Class (Upper Division) Honours in any Business or Management related discipline (including Commerce, Economics or Public Administration) from this University or any other recognized University
A Special Degree in any Business or Management related
discipline (including Commerce, Economics or Public Administration) from this University or any other recognized University
a minimum of one (01) year post qualifying work experience in managerial capacity.
A Degree with a First Class or Second Class (Upper Division)
Honours in any Business or Management related discipline (including Commerce, Economics or Public Administration) from any other recognized University
a minimum of one (01) year post qualifying work experience in managerial capacity
A Degree in any discipline and at least a Postgraduate Diploma
in any Business or Management related discipline (including Commerce, Economics or Public Administration) from this University or any other recognized University and a minimum of one year work experience in managerial capacity.
A Degree in any discipline from this University or any other
recognized University
a minimum of two (02) years post qualifying work experience in managerial capacity
Any other qualiication acceptable to the Faculty Board and
the Senate of the University of Colombo

Any qualiication not mentioned in classes (i) to (vi) above recommended by a qualiication evaluation committee and approved by the Senate of the University of Colombo
has demonstrated management ability and potential for future
career development in management;

has a good knowledge of English.

Fees for the entire programme is Rs. 650,000*.

*Fees for foreign students will be higher

[wp-svg-icons icon=”checkmark-circle” wrap=”i”] Application Closing date 15th July 2024

  • Payment Option 1 – Direct Deposit at any People’s Bank Branch
  • Payment Option 2 – Online Fund Transfers

Payment Option 1 – Direct Deposit at any People’s Bank Branch

Please pay at any branch of the People’s Bank island-wide using the usual deposit slip. Fill in the slip using the following information and your personal information. Please keep a scanned copy of the bank slip with you.

  • Account No: 312093700016
  • Account Name: Main Collection Account of University of Colombo
  • Reason for Payment: MBAFMF Application Fee 2024

Payment Option 2- Online Fund Transfers

Please follow the information given below:

  • Visit
  • Select ‘Post Grad. Application Fee – FM/FS/FL/FGS/FMF’’ from the drop-down menu of ‘Fee Type’
  • Select VISA/MASTER
  • Enter your Name, NIC (National Identity Card Number), or Passport Number and the relevant LKR/USD amount
  • Enter 312093700016  in the Payment Reference bar
  • Once verified, please submit your information
  • Check and confirm your details
  • Enter your card details and proceed

Instructions for Candidates 

  • It is strongly advised to ensure that you have fulfilled requirements to apply for each Programme. 
  • All sections in this application must be completed fully and accurately. Incomplete applications and/or curriculum vitae in lieu of application will not be accepted.
  • You can send you application through online or by post. Please follow only one method.

    If you send your application in online mode
    Online Application
    Please attach scanned copies of educational/professional certificates and service certificates obtained from employers for adequate proof of experience. Please submit evidence to prove the duration of your degree programme (e.g., university certified documents/copy of By-Laws/ Prospectus etc. You need to scan your documents very clearly using a scanning device or a mobile scanner app.

    If you send your application by post
    Application PDF
    Please attach photo copies of educational/professional certificates and service certificates obtained from employers for adequate proof of experience. Please submit evidence to prove the duration of your degree programme (e.g., university certified documents/copy of By-Laws/ Prospectus etc.

  • Address :
    Postgraduate & Mid-career Development Unit
    Faculty of Management & Finance
    University of Colombo
    Sri Lanka.

Course Coordinator

Dr. D. G. Sujeewa Damayanthi

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[wp-svg-icons icon=”phone” wrap=”i”] 011 259 60 30