The 17th Annual International Research Conference on Management and Finance (IRCMF 2022) of the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka was held on 21st October 2022, under the theme of “Challenges of Change in the Volatility”. Doctoral Colloquium was one of the salient events of the IRCMF attended by 75 participants. The keynote speech was delivered by an internationally distinguished scholar, Professor Roy Suddaby of Washington State University, USA. Altogether 25 PhD, DBA and MPhil students from the University of Colombo presented their ongoing research projects in the Doctoral Colloquium across six parallel sessions (Accounting, Finance, Human Resource Management, Organizational Studies & Marketing & Interdisciplinary Studies). For the first time, the Doctoral Colloquium comprised with foreign academic panel members from universities in UK, Australia and India. The contributions made by Dr David Stoten, Dr Abdullahi Bello, Dr Dawn Whitten, Dr Emmanuel Arakpogun and Dr Moses Dang from Newcastle Business School, Northumbria university, UK is worthy to mention. The presenters of the Doctoral Colloquium had the opportunity to obtain in-depth constructive feedback from much experienced panelists for their ongoing research projects. It is a great pleasure for us to witness the achievements of these early career researchers and I take this opportunity to congratulate them on their research projects. Organizing a conference of this extent would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of many individuals. In this regard we would like to mention the efforts of the organizing committee, the reviewers of the papers, academic and the non-academic members of the Faculty of Management and Finance as well as academics who contributed from other national and international universities around the world.