About Doctoral Colloquium

The ‘Doctoral Colloquium 2024’ is organized in parallel with the 19th International Research Conference on Management and Finance (IRCMF 2024). This is a unique interactive platform designed for PhD, DBA and MPhil students to present their work-in-progress to a wider audience of academics, receive expert comments from a scholarly panel, and to network with fellow doctoral students and academics.

We invite doctoral students to submit their ongoing research in any form of concept paper, literature review, and preliminary findings.

25th November 2024

Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo

Hybrid (primarily held as an onsite event and only the overseas presenters will get the opportunity to present virtually)

DC Tracks

  • Accounting and Management Information Systems
  • Business Economics and Finance
  • Human Resources Management
  • Marketing, International Business, and Hospitality Management
  • Management, Organization Studies, and Interdisciplinary Research

Important Dates

Submission of abstract and extended abstracts 10th  August 2024
Notification of review decision 20th September 2024
Registration 16th – 20th October 2024
Poster submission 31st October 2024 
Doctoral Colloquium 25th  November (Monday) 2024

DC Flyer

What is the purpose of this competition?

Improve doctoral students’ ability to communicate their research ideas and the significance of their research to a lay audience in a concise yet compelling manner.

Poster Presentation Guidelines – Doctoral Colloquium 2024

Faculty of Management and Finance

University of Colombo

Who can apply?

  • Current PhD/MPhil/DBA students who have completed their research proposals.
  • Graduates who completed their PhD/MPhil/DBA in 2022-23.

How to apply?

  • Select ‘poster presentation’ option in the registration form of ‘Doctoral Colloquium 2024’.

 When and where?

  • At the Doctoral Colloquium 2024 on 25th November 2024

What is the purpose of this competition?

  • Improve doctoral students’ ability to communicate their research ideas in a visual form to a lay audience in a concise yet compelling manner.

Specifications for poster presentations

  • In the poster you need to communicate about your research through a visual form.
  • Poster displays will be limited to one page, and the size of the paper should be A3.
  • Place the title of your poster at the top
  • Abstract (150 words), names of the author’s affiliations and email addresses need to be mentioned on a separate paper.
  • You have complete creative freedom in displaying information about your research in the form of background design, figures, tables, text, photography, etc.  The poster can be digitally or manually designed.
  • The poster (hard copy) needs to be physically handed over to the Department of International business, Faculty of Management and Finance, university of Colombo on or before 31st of October 2024

Tips for poster preparation

  • Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Therefore, keep text to a minimum, emphasize graphics, and make sure every item included in your poster is necessary.
  • Use short sentences, simple words, and bullets to illustrate your points where necessary. Please limit your word count to 250
  • Make sure ideas flow logically
  • Use charts and graphs to illustrate the data (avoid large tables of raw data).
  • Use high resolution photographs (web images often will not work). Please be careful on copyright concerns when you get photographs/images/tables/figures or any other information from secondary sources. You have to be responsible for your creation.
  • Do not use all capital letters.
  • The poster (text and graphics) should be easily readable from a distance of about 2 meters.

DC Co-Chairs


Mr. D.D.C.Lakshman

DC Co-Secretaries

Ms. Poornima Gamage

Technical Committee


Ms. K.W.N.S.Anuradhani

Web Administrator

Mr. H.H.P. Hettiarachchi

Graphic Designer

Coming Soon